11 October 2010
these kids are sid
First Star On the Right
i like to draw with crayons
i like having a juice-box to drink
i'll eat cheerios for breakfast
any time of day
so what
if i want to wear a tu-tu
or even
fairy wings and
(only every day)
okay? so what!
like this i think i can
click my heels together and
end up
at home
just like this,
you see?
so yeah, okay,
there might be monsters
under my bed but
so what?
and yeah, okay,
i might play with play-doh
sometimes but
so what?
i like things that are
soft and
full of air or
fluff and
i am always learning because
like this
i never stop asking
why? and
yeah, okay,
so maybe i might
throw a tantrum
from time to time
isn't that just what it is?
it goes like this and
if you need to find me
you'll know where to look.
too many windows
so now... wait. where?
let's go investigate
wait, hold on . . .
hold on. no i'm ready
but it's a trap, wait!
don't spill this we're catching bugs to torture
with bubbles and
boiling water and
little plastic houses with
too many windows...
like we are in love with this place "though
its too many windows" and desert lillies blooming
scarlet veins or wisps of dreams gone to faintly by
but we try to remember.